Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fletcher Update - Jan 27

Happy Wednesday! Fletcher is in good spirits and still enjoying his week off before returning to therapy next week. Mom and Dad are busy getting things settled at home and wanted me to send a huge THANKS to all for the continuous support!! Dad got Fletcher his ribs and yes that put a big smile on his face! Keep smiling Fletcher, it's your secret weapon : )


  1. I enjoyed the ribs too Fletcher! Your Dad can cook better than the restaurant! Alexandria

  2. -I'm jealous..ribs sound wonderful about right now! :) lol. You always keep that apetite up and going huh! lol. -PIG- hehe! Hope you have a great day kiddo! & Yes -always keep smiling- ;)
    I love ya!

  3. Yo dude as an advocate of not eating porik, i suggest you eat all that I refuse and more! Keep working hard I'll see you on the 12th 3rd and 15 lets get it! Love ya uncle Jackie ray
