Friday, February 26, 2010

Fletcher Update - Feb. 26

Another week down and our Fletcher is pushing full speed ahead. Six days a week he's in therapy, acupuncture, or doing strengthening techniques at the gym. This morning he went to therapy early to get more time in the standing frame. He's progressing slowly, but definitely surely- GOD is healing!! Keep praying All! : )


  1. Keep looking up and giving God praise. If you do your part God will surely do the rest. Thank you God for (Dewane) Lil Fletcher.
    Love Ya

  2. You are still the biggest Miracle in my life! I pray all day every day for you Fletcher Cleaves!! & I won't stop! I'm so proud of you! You are doing so great...God's got this & he is working through you! I still can't wait to see where he takes you!! Keep smiling!!!
    I Love You!!
