Monday, February 1, 2010

Fletcher Update - Feb 1

Well it's Monday and after a week of downtime and a winter wonderland weekend of Memphis snow/ice, Fletcher is back in the rehab game. He goes to therapy and acupuncture this week to start his new regimen. He's also excited and thankful for the gala being held on Feb. 12th and will be getting fitted for his tux today. Fletcher said he wants to be sharp! Hey Fletcher,you're always sharp with those looks guy! :)


  1. Hey Fletcher glad 2 hear your home and still pushing yourself. You are truly BLESSED. Enjoy your Gala and keep shining.Wish I could come and enjoy it with u, but know I am still thinking about u and praying 4 u. Luv cousin Lisa & Lakia

  2. Hey Fletcher,
    Glad to hear you are back at it and excited about your Gala. I'm excited for you, will see you there.
    Remember wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always in the love and care of God. God is always in Charge and all is well. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. Before you know it you will be stepping around the corner. It maybe one small step at a time, but guess what it will be a step. Keep praying, I am praying with you and for you...
    I love you and so do God.
    Love you soooooo much,
    Erma, Duck, Shae and Aniyan
