Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fletcher Update

All is well with the Cleaves this Wednesday. Fletcher has been working on mucscle strength through home training with his weights and other equipment. This morning he, mom, and dad are headed to therapy. Keep up the good work!!!


  1. Good luck guys!! Get 'em Fletch! You're on my mind in my prayers today (and always)!! I'm sure you'll do great! Don't harass 'em too much!! :-)
    I love ya!

  2. Alright Fletcher,
    Tigthen those muscles up. Work it out. Remember with God all things are possible. Believe it and you can achieve it. You will be ripped before you know it.
    Remember the past but look forward to a bright new future. It's just around the corner. Keep Praying!!!! I'm still praying for the new Fletcher!!!!!!!!!
    Love you soooooo much,
    Erma, Duck, Shae and Aniyan
